Rørandi søga um at gera mun
January 16th, 2015 Posted in Uncategorized Gev tær stundir at lesa hesa rørandi søgu frá filippinsku Marithy,
sum fekk stuðul til skúlagongd, nú sjálv er mamma og hevur eitt gott lív.
Nina Dalsgaard, sum í fleiri ár stuðlaði Marithy, hevur samband við hana enn.
Nina ynskir at fortelja søguna fyri at vísa á, at tann “lítla” hjálpin veruliga munar.
I am Marithy,
I was only 5 or 6 years of age when I first met my foster mom, Nina.
We were very poor that my parents could not afford to send me to school.
I was not able to write those times that my sister helped me to write a simple letter to her.
She was too far miles away from me.
Yet she showed how she loved me and treated me like her own child.
She supported my needs in school through our church (Jesus is Alive).
I remember when I was the first in school to have a barbie doll.
I was proud saying to my classmates, “It’s from my mom”.
For almost 6 years, she was there…supporting and helping me carry out my needs in school.
I don’t know what happened next… it just stopped.
Our communication stopped for almost 8 years.
I grew up and became mature enough to understand.
In 2006, as I was reading my Bible I noticed that her name and address were written in the front page.
My biological mother wrote it there as the bible was a gift from her.
I was in third year college then, when something in me was urging to contact her. I just want to thank her that time. Thank her for helping me when I was a kid.
I made up myself, wrote a simple letter of gratitude. I was hoping she still live in the same address.
One month later, I received a letter.
A letter from my mamma Nina. She replied to my letter.
She informed that she already have three boys. When we first met, she only had two (Knut and palli).
Our communication continued through emails, facebooks and skype.
She always listened to me.
There is one thing about her that I would never ever forget.
She once said to me “You were not born by my womb, nor by my blood but you were born in my heart”.
That’s the greatest expression of love. It’s just like the love of Jesus.
I am so blessed to know her.
In honor of her, I named my daughter after her name – NINA.
I am currently working as an Environment, Health and Safety Engineer in a Japanese company here in the Philippines.
I am continuously developing my skills in my chosen profession.
I will never forget those people behind my success- my mamma Nina, my parents my scholarship in college. Above all, I am very thankful to God.
Very soon I will meet my mamma.
There is something in this world that bind people together. It’s love. The love of Jesus that we cherish.
I hope that my story touched you.
Nina skrivar:
Eftir at tit í gjár sóknaðust eftir stuðlum til eina gentu og ein drong, kom eg at hugsa um tá eg fyri uml. 20 árum síðani byrjaði at hjálpa einari smágentu á Filippinunum. So eg ynski at deila hesa sólskinssøgu við tykkum, fyri at fortelja at hetta munar.
Fyri at gera eina langa søgu stutta, so byrjaði eg at hjálpa einari smágentu á Filippininum sum tá var uml. 5 ára gomul. Hetta fyri at hon kundi sleppa at ganga í skúla . Hetta vardi í nøkur heilt fá ár. Eg fekk so at vita at nú var ikki neyðugt at hjálpa henni meira, tí pápi hennara hevði fingið arbeiði.
Sjálvt um eg ikki stuðlaði henni fíggjarliga longur, so slitnaði sambandi okkara millum ikki . (tí hon var altíð í mínum huga) So eg sendi okkurt jólakort og føðingardagskort.
So ein dagin fyri nøkrum árðum síðani (uml. 10 ára síðani) fekk eg bræv frá henni (sum hon sjálv hevði hondskriva), har hon m.a upplýsti mær hennara teldupostaddr.
Eftir hetta bleiv okkara samskifti via teldupost, og síðani facebook og skype.
Hon fekk sína skúlagongd og eftirfylgjandi eina útbúgving. Er í dag gift og eigur eina dóttur (so má eg stolt sleppa at nevna eisini, at hon er uppkalla eftir mær)
Tað er ikki bara at siga tað at fáa eitt pass har, so hetta stríðist hon við nú. So vónandi gongur ikki alt ov lang tíð til vit møtast.
Ps. Ynski at fortelja hetta, fyri at vísa á, at tann “lítla” hjálpin veruliga munar.
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